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Smokeball Community

Smokeball Community Star - Amanda Little

We recently spoke with prominent Smokeball Community member Amanda Little to discuss how she manages to balance career and family life, her top tips for running a thriving legal practice, and what inspires her to succeed.

When you join Smokeball, you're not just gaining practice transforming legal software, but you'll also enjoy the benefits of joining a community of other progressive legal professionals.

We recently spoke with prominent Smokeball Community member Amanda Little - Principal of Amanda Little & Associates - to discuss how she manages to balance career and family life, her top tips for running a thriving legal practice, and what inspires her to succeed.

Introducing Amanda Little

Amanda is an Accredited Family Law Specialist, Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Collaborative Family Lawyer, Sessional Academic, Public Speaker and Author.

Amanda has been recognised as a leading business person, being awarded 2019 Business Person of the Year for Penrith and 2019 Business Woman of the year for Lindsay.

Amanda has a strong community focus and is involved in many local charity events and programs that foster the growth of other female professionals.

Why do you do what you do?

I often ask myself this question! The practice of law is challenging, difficult, and consuming.

But on reflection, I believe it is because I have a drive that comes from my childhood and having working-class parents who sacrificed for my education and betterment.

It was instilled in me from a young age to work hard, always strive to do my best and provide for my family. I also genuinely like to help people out of problems and find solutions or help them achieve something they have worked hard for.

In law, that translates to helping people to resolve their disputes (such as property settlements), look after their family and the people they love (wills & estates) and achieve their goals (like buying their first home).

What is the one habit you do each day that you would recommend to other lawyers?

I am a list person. At the end of each day I consolidate my list and rewrite, re-prioritise it for the next day.

It’s a great way for me to go through checkoff what I completed add what needs to be completed and feel in control of my day and my business.

I create two lists – one of the legal tasks and matter related tasks that need to be completed, and one of the business tasks that need to be completed.

I find unless I prioritise the business tasks these often get left behind or overtaken by the legal work.

What is the best piece of advice you have heard which has helped you with your business?

The best advice I received, and I now pass it onto people is that you can’t expect to grow your business if you’re not working on your business.

There is a point in everyone’s business (law firm) where you need to make a leap from being primarily a lawyer who runs a business, to a business person who also practices law.

This is what allows you to grow and upscale your business otherwise, you will find yourself perpetually in a cycle where you cannot step out and obtain freedom from the business and find that you cannot generate sufficient work to expand to create flexibility for yourself.

How do you balance your work and home life?

I try, but the true answer is I struggle every day. I do prioritise my family, but sometimes deadlines, financial constraints, and the alike dictate how much time I spend with them.

For me, looking after myself is a priority. Exercising for a few hours a day, eating well and getting sleep is so important. If I feel good, then when I spend time with my family, I can focus on them. For me, it’s about the quality of the time I spend with them.

How and where do you find inspiration?

I enjoy meeting other like-minded business people and hearing their stories. I am inspired by the women and business people who surround me on a daily basis. I need only look over my shoulder in either direction to find people with amazing, inspiring, and true stories that spur me to work harder, be better, and achieve more.

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