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Legal Billing

How hourly and fixed fee billers can bill more without charging more

Not only does Smokeball help law firms get their work done faster with industry leading productivity tools, it also makes sure fee earners are paid what they’re worth.

Not only does Smokeball help law firms get their work done faster with industry leading productivity tools, it also makes sure fee earners are paid what they’re worth.

Smokeball users bill almost twice the industry average thanks to our automatic time tracking feature - AutoTime. Billable hours are tracked and recorded with no setting and stopping of timers required. Legal fee earners can bill for the work they actually do, not just the work they remember to add to their timesheets at the end of the month.

This is an obvious advantage for hourly billers, but what about those who bill on a fixed fee? Simple – automatic time tracking shows firms where they both make and lose money so that they can optimise their processes and their pricing.

Time tracking for fixed fee billing

It’s impossible to create a fixed fee structure that is fair to your clients while profitable to your law firm without accurate data. Having a record of how much time you’ve spent on different tasks and matter types enables you to accurately estimate how much time those matters and tasks might take in the future and set your firm’s fees accordingly.

Instead of a fixed fee rate based on gut feeling or what one of your competitors charges, you’re able to set those fees based on real evidence and experience.

Bill more without charging your clients more

The combination of Smokeball’s innovative productivity features with our unique automatic time tracking will increase the time you are paid for — no matter how you bill.

Smokeball transforms law firm productivity and allows firms to get significantly more work done every day. Seamless email management abolishes the time previously spent filing and searching for emails, and document automation (including an extensive pre-built form library across multiple practice areas) prepares your letters and forms quickly and accurately.

Powerful legal task and workflow tools mean that you and your staff will never waste another minute wondering what the next step in a matter is or who that step is assigned to. Stay on top of critical dates with a legal calendar that integrates with Outlook, and ensure that your staff and clients are always kept informed of the latest developments in a matter through our secure messaging and file sharing system. Smokeball makes it easy to collaborate whether you’re working remotely or from the office.

By cutting hours of tedious (and often unbillable) administrative tasks out of your week, Smokeball allows you to shift your focus to the tasks that really matter, completing matters more quickly and allowing you to add more billable hours to each day. That’s the beauty of billing more without charging your clients more.

Next steps?

If you’re ready to learn more about how Smokeball can help your firm to be more organised, productive, and profitable, contact us for a free personalised demonstration.  

See the Magic of Smokeball AI

Book time with a consultant to discover how Smokeball AI can boost your productivity and help you master matter management.

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