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Family Law

Family Law documents can now be signed electronically

The new “Joint Practice Direction 2 of 2020 - Special Measures in Response to COVID-19” was issued by the Family Law Courts on 31 March 2020 in order to help combat the daily practical challenges now faced by Family Law practitioners as well as prioritise the health and safety of the wider community, Judges and Court staff.

The new “Joint Practice Direction 2 of 2020 - Special Measures in Response to COVID-19” was issued by the Family Law Courts on 31 March 2020 in order to help combat the daily practical challenges now faced by Family Law practitioners as well as prioritise the health and safety of the wider community, Judges and Court staff.

Among the changes are the following in regard to signatures on Affidavits and other Family Law documents:

  • Affidavits, Financial Statements, Consent Orders, and other documents required to be signed may be signed electronically by the deponent typing their name in the signature block.
  • Affidavits (excluding where part of a Divorce Application) and Financial Statements may be filed without a qualified witness also signing the document.
  • In regard to Affidavits or Financial Statements, at the request of the Judicial Officer, the deponent must be available by telephone, video conference, or in person at a later Court date to formally swear or affirm that document.

The Practice Direction in its entirety can be accessed here: http://www.familycourt.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/fcoaweb/about/news/jpd022020

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