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Legal Billing

Billing what you’re worth: How doubling your revenue is actually a possibility

To tell a law firm that our software can double your revenue sounds like an outlandish marketing claim. So when we started to look at the data and realised that it is not only possible, but it has already happened for many Smokeball clients, we felt uncomfortable shouting it from the rooftops, because it sounds too good to be true.

​To tell a law firm that our software can double your revenue sounds like an outlandish marketing claim. So when we started to look at the data and realised that it is not only possible, but it has already happened for many Smokeball clients, we felt uncomfortable shouting it from the rooftops, because it sounds too good to be true. Then there’s the other uncomfortable factor – the feeling that we’re indicating that you’ll be charging your clients double. Which, fortunately, is not true.

With Smokeball, law firms bill more without their clients paying more.

This is because Smokeball has a combination of features which enable accurate billing, but also significantly increase productivity.

Smokeball has a unique feature called AutoTime which tracks every minute that every staff member in your firm spends on each case. This tracking is used to bill your time on your time billed work, track profitability on your fixed fee work, and to track staff activity enabling you to balance workloads and monitor remote workers. The technology behind AutoTime is incredibly sophisticated, with timers starting and pausing as you move between applications on your computer. Because everything you do in Smokeball is attached to a particular matter, it’s clear what work you’ve done for each client.  

Then there’s the other side of the “bill more without your clients paying more” equation, i.e. the “without your clients paying more” part. Smokeball started life as a productivity engine, the goal being to allow firms to get substantially more work done every day. No one wants to bill for their administrative time anyway, so cut those hours out of your day by using powerful email management to file and then find emails; document automation to get your forms and letters produced faster; tasks and workflows to keep on top of your critical dates, and so on.  

So, doubling your firm revenue. How is this possible?

Let’s look at it for a fixed fee matter and a time billed matter. For your fixed-fee work, it’s pretty simple. If you can get the work done in half the time, you can complete double the work. For your time billed work, the story is a little more complex.  Multiple studies have shown that the average small to medium-size law firm is only billing 2.02 hours per day. At first, we thought this must be incorrect, but when we started having conversations with firms we began to see that it was true. Firms told us that only around 30% of their day’s work ends up on an invoice. When we dug into the reason why we realised that there were many: time recording days after the work was done; the difficulty of time recording when you are jumping from one task to the next; the number of emails flowing into and out of each fee earners inbox; feeling reticent to bill for work that could have been carried out more efficiently; junior staff marking their time down because they feel they took too long. And the list goes on!  

We’ve had firms who have told us that, paradoxically, their busiest months can be some of their lowest billing months because in these months they simply don’t have time to keep track of their time, get their invoices out in a timely fashion, or send billing reminders when they are trying to keep up with deadlines.  

If 30% of your day’s work ends up on an invoice, doubling your revenue means you’re still only charging for 60% of the time you actually worked. In this light, it doesn’t seem so outlandish. In fact, it seems fair.

Next steps?

If you’re ready to find out how Smokeball can transform your law firm, contact us for a free customised software demonstration.  

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Book time with a consultant to discover how Smokeball AI can boost your productivity and help you master matter management.

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