

With a bustling exhibitor and experiential activation hall, an exciting plenary with inspirational keynote speakers, and two concurrent streams designed to meet the specific needs of your firm, Spark offers something for everyone. Plan your day and make the most of your Spark experience with the agenda below, and be sure to clear your diaries for our post event function at the Sofitel Wentworth’s Garden Terrace!


With a bustling exhibitor and experiential activation hall, an exciting plenary with inspirational keynote speakers, and two concurrent streams designed to meet the specific needs of your firm, Spark offers something for everyone. Plan your day and make the most of your Spark experience with the agenda below, and be sure to clear your diaries for our post event function at the Sofitel Wentworth’s Garden Terrace!
Fiona Kirkman
Founder & CEO,


Fiona is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and Collaborative Practitioner.

She is the CEO and Co-Founder of FamilyProperty and runs her own family mediation practice, Kirkman Family Law. Fiona understands the challenges family law professionals face, particularly time and cost pressures, and is passionate about utilising dispute resolution and legal technology to assist families reach resolution without court.

Moderator Session

Top Technology Trends Happening Right Now
The emergence of technological innovation within the legal profession has created a paradigm shift in the ways that law firms operate. Combined with continually evolving client expectations and the demand for modern service delivery, the impact of technology has also created a higher standard to which legal service providers are held. This panel discussion will examine the ways that technological innovation is rapidly shaping the legal market and profession itself, and what firms can do to remain competitive as market conditions continue to evolve.

Session Information

Smokeball Product Innovations
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il imaxim fugia et doluptaquam eumquam quatem fuga. Nequi tet ditas si quo beariaecum et resequa temporepe nestis a comnimus aut odit auda in pa nisquae verum, elentium haruptas eseque sitis est, corem re non corepelecti nobitaquia volorei

Session Information

Heartache and Birdsong
What is resilience? And how can we cultivate it when things don't go to plan?
Sam answers these questions and more in her visually immersive and deeply personal presentations, sharing her experience of a dream life turned to a nightmare in an instant. 

Leading us through the extraordinary highs and painful lows of life before, during and after a near-fatal accident in 2013, Sam shares how family, love and a unique connection with the natural world supported her journey back from deep physical suffering and depression to become a bestselling author, 2 x World Para Surfing champion and inspiration behind the international hit movie Penguin Bloom. Sam’s true story holds powerful messages and new perspectives for us all as we navigate our own personal and professional challenges, inspiring us to be the best version of ourselves, and to live and be grateful for each day as we never know what tomorrow holds.

Session Information

Implementing a Roadmap for Growth
So, you’ve successfully started a small law firm and are now looking to upscale -but where do you begin? What are the key steps that you should undertake to succeed in your firm’s growth journey and what are some of the major pitfalls you should be wary of?

During this presentation, Amanda Little, Principal Solicitor, Amanda Little & Associates, will share with you the key learnings that she uncovered as she grew her firm from the start up phase to a successful, multi-award-winning firm spanning seven locations.

Key Takeaways

  • How Amanda Little was able to successfully upscale her firm to seven locations across Sydney
  • An actionable roadmap that you can follow to grow your firm
  • Key roadblocks and threats to be wary of in your growth journey

Session Information

Building a Financially Thriving Practice
Running a professional services business requires us to wear multiple hats at the same time whilst serving our clients. One of these hats is Accounting and Finance. Staying on top of your numbers is a critical role that directly impacts how we feel about our practice.

This session is all about how you can gain control of your legal accounting and create a more fulfilling and financially rewarding firm.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the key metrics that impact the financial performance of your practice
  • Learn about the “Small Busyness Trap” and how to avoid it when building your firm
  • Find out about the key financial reports that will keep you on top of your finances
  • Discover how to set a future financial plan for your firm

Session Information

Creating a Seamless Client Experience
In a consumer-focused market where clients are empowered with many choices for legal service delivery, there has never been a greater need to offer an outstanding client experience.  During this presentation, Kim Wiegand, Founder, Julip Advisory and Partner, beaton, will provide a detailed examination of the client experience pathway and how this journey can be transformed via technology. Further, Kim will share what it takes to build a powerful client experience and how this will transform your clients in life-long brand advocates.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding consumer touch points
  • Transforming the client journey via technology
  • How to drive value throughout the client experience

Session Information

Automating Your Firm with Smokeball
It’s no secret that the combination of heavy workloads, pressing deadlines, and an overall lack of time creates a strain on legal professionals and small law firms. During this presentation, Hunter Steele, CEO, Smokeball, will demonstrate the powerful capabilities of Smokeball’s automation features. In addition to this, learn how adopting these tools into your practice can enhance your client intake process, help you bill more, and bolster team collaboration.

Key Takeaways

  • How to automate your client intake process
  • How technology and automation tools can help you track your time and bill more
  • Mapping out automated workflows and enhancing team collaboration with technology

Session Information

Change is Inevitable But Growth is Intentional: Turning Innovative Ideas into Action
Research has shown, persistently for two decades, that 90% of companies fail to execute their strategy due to poor execution, and McKinsey data tells us that 70 percent of organisational change efforts fall short of desired results. Against the backdrop of a world and business landscape that is changing at a greater velocity than ever before, we need to continually evolve the way that we work and lead so we can continue to achieve excellence.

This talk will explore best practice on leading change and executing ideas. Specifically, this presentation will focus on empowering leaders to be able to build their own change roadmap- from framing the messaging and building cultural momentum around ideas, to approaches to ensure ideas get executed.
8:00am - 8:50am

Registration | Exhibition Open | Tea & Coffee

Wentworth Foyer

9:00am - 9:15am


Bianca Bowron-Cuthill
General Manager, Smokeball Australia | Wentworth Ballroom

9:15am - 10:00am

Vision and Product Innovations

Hunter Steele (CEO, Smokeball) & Bianca Bowron-Cuthill (General Manager, Smokeball Australia)  | Wentworth Ballroom

10:00am - 10:45am

Keynote | Change is Inevitable But Growth is Intentional: Turning Innovative Ideas into Action

Holly Ransom
Speaker, Commentator, Author and Australian Financial Review’s 100 most influential women | Wentworth Ballroom

10:45am - 11:15am

Morning Tea | Exhibition Open | Entertainment

Wentworth Foyer

Daily Efficiency

Firm Development

11:15am - 12:00pm

Building a Financially Thriving Practice ​

Clayton Oates
Founder, QA Business

12:15pm - 1:00pm

Creating a Seamless Client Experience ​

Paul Hugh-Jones
Partner, Beaton Research & Consulting

The Keys to Success in Today’s War for Legal Talent​

Terri Mottershead
Executive Director, Centre for Legal Innovation

Daily Efficiency

11:15am - 12:00pm

Building a Financially Thriving Practice ​

Clayton Oates

12:15pm - 1:00pm

Creating a Seamless Client Experience ​

Paul Hugh-Jones

Firm Development

11:15am - 12:00pm

Why Innovation Should Be a Part of
Your Firm’s DNA

Talya Faigenbaum

12:15pm - 1:00pm

The Keys to Success in Today’s War
for Legal Talent​

Terri Mottershead

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Lunch | Exhibition Open | Entertainment

Wentworth Foyer

Daily Efficiency

2:00pm - 2:45pm

6 Superpowers of a High Performing Happy Lawyer​

Clarissa Rayward

3:00pm - 3:45pm

Automate Your Practice with Smokeball

Hunter Steele

Firm Development

2:00pm - 2:45pm

Implementing a Roadmap for Growth

Amanda Little

3:00pm - 3:45pm

Panel: Top Technology Trends Happening Right Now

Fiona Kirkman, John Ahern + More

3:45pm - 4:15pm

Afternoon Tea | Exhibition Open | Entertainmen

Wentworth Foyer

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Lunch | Exhibition Open | Entertainment

Wentworth Foyer

2:00pm - 2:45pm

6 Superpowers of a High Performing
Happy Lawyer

Clarissa Rayward
Founder, Happy Lawyer Happy Life

Implementing a Roadmap for Growth​

Amanda Little
Principal Solicitor, Amanda Little & Associates

3:00pm - 3:45pm

Automate Your Practice With Smokeball

Hunter Steele | CEO, Smokeball

Panel: Technological Innovation &
Disruption to the Legal Practice

Fiona Kirkman, John Ahern, Tom Dreyfus, Karen Finch

3:45pm - 4:15pm

Afternoon Tea | Exhibition Open | Entertainment

Wentworth Foyer

4:15pm - 5:00pm

Keynote | Heartache and Birdsong

Sam Bloom
Bestselling Author, 2 x Para Surfing World Champion, and Inspiration for Global Hit Movie Penguin Bloom
Wentworth Ballroom

5:00pm - 5:15pm

Vote of Thanks | Conference Concludes

Wentworth Ballroom

5:45pm - 7:45pm

Ignite Social

Garden Courtyard Terrace and Restaurant

Choose Your Stream:

Firm Development

Creating a Seamless Client Experience ​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Amanda Little
Building a Financially Thriving Practice ​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Clayton Oates
Lunch | Exhibition Open | Entertainment
6 Superpowers of a High Performing Happy Lawyer ​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Clarissa Rayward
Panel: Technological Innovation &
Disruption to the Legal Practice
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
​Hunter Steele, Jane, Adele, Simon, Dennis (Moderate)

Choose Your Stream:

Daily Efficiency

Implementing a Roadmap for Growth ​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Amanda Little
The Keys to Success in Today’s War for Legal Talent​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Terri Mottershead
Why Innovation Should Be a Part of Your Firm’s DNA ​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Talya Faigenbaum
Panel: New Law Panel ​
This will be the short one line description for the
relevant session to give a brief overview of
what to expect.
Fiona Kirman (Moderator), Carl White, Brett McGrath, John Ahern
Afternoon Tea | Exhibition Open | Entertainment
Closing Keynote
This will be the short one line description for the relevant session to give a brief
overview of what to expect.
Holly Ransom
Vote of Thanks
Sam Bloom
Tray Service | Announce Prize Draw Winners