State of Family Law Series

Exploring best practices in Family Violence

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Smokeball and FamilyProperty are proud to present a complimentary six-part webinar series that will explore critical issues related to family violence. The webinars will explore various topics such as understanding the patterns, nature, and dynamics of family violence, safety planning, dispute resolution, navigating the legal system, making financial claims, and managing vicarious trauma.

Over five weeks, we will hold six webinars featuring 14 expert speakers from across the family violence sector. The speakers will provide practical guidance, valuable insights, and relevant resources to support your work in dealing with family violence.

The series is designed for professionals engaged in family violence work and you can join the series as a whole or choose the sessions that interest you most, as each webinar is independent and does not require prior attendance.

By joining the series, you will:

· Gain first hand learnings from experts across the family violence sector.

· Learn practical tools and frameworks to help you navigate complex issues related to family violence.

· Develop your confidence and knowledge when dealing with family violence.

· Receive the opportunity to claim 1.5 CPD points per webinar*

· We invite you to register for this free webinar series and learn from leading experts in the field.

* Please note that the Law Society is not responsible for accrediting CPD activities on behalf of providers. If this particular educational activity extends your knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your practice needs or professional development, then you should claim one (1) "unit” for each hour of attendance. Conditions may differ for each state, so please check with your industry body to confirm eligibility. Smokeball and FamilyProperty are also not responsible for keeping track of individuals' attendance and acquired CPD points, and is also not responsible for dictating which CPD category you should claim your points under.

See our speakers

Understanding Coercive Control in the Family Law Context

Wednesday, May 31, 2023
12:00 am
1:30 am
David Mandel
click here

The concept of coercive control and related patterns of abusive behavior are central to understanding how domestic violence perpetrators harm  the functioning of children, adult survivors, and the family. In this session, David Mandel, CEO of the Safe & Together Institute and the creator of the globally-respected Safe & Together Model, will outline key aspects of their work in the family court context. Key takeaways will include:

  • A more comprehensive, holistic way to understand harm to children
  • Parental protective capacities
  • The intersection of domestic violence, mental health and substance abuse issues
  • The benefits of a perpetrator pattern-based approach in situations of cross-allegations and with the documentation of harm to children

David Mandel
Executive Director, Safe & Together Institute

Family Dispute Resolution in Family Violence Cases

Wednesday, May 31, 2023
4:00 am
5:30 am
Senior Judicial Registrar, Brett McGrath
Katherine Manby
Fiona Kirkman
click here

Understand the unique challenges and considerations involved in representing a client in family dispute resolution with family violence issues. Learn how to effectively conduct mediations both inside and outside of the court process while ensuring the safety and well-being of all parties involved. Key takeaways include:

· Representing a client in Family Dispute Resolution (“FDR”) where there are family violence issues

· Exemptions for Section 60I Certificates where there are allegations of family violence

· Effective conduct of mediations where there are family violence issues

· Best practice conduct of Court-based FDR in family violence matters

Senior Judicial Registrar, Brett McGrath
Katherine Manby
Principal Family Lawyer, VM Family Law
Fiona Kirkman
Global Family Law Evangelist, Smokeball

FCFCOA Case Management and Processes - Identifying and Responding to Family Violence and other Family Safety Risks

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
4:00 am
5:30 am
Senior Judicial Registrar Anne-Marie Rice
Judicial Registrar Kimberly Buttriss
Anna Baltins
click here

Gain insights into the FCFCOA’s case management pathways and processes for family violence cases and how they impact legal practice. Key takeaways:

· Understand the training undertaken by the FCFCOA on family violence

· Best practice completion of the Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence or Risk and referrals to the child welfare authority

· Obtain information about the expanded Lighthouse Project model, Evatt List and associated case management processes

· Running a matter in the Magellan List

· Obtain information about the Family Violence and Cross Examination Scheme

· Understanding the Family Advocacy and Support Service (“FASS”) and how it provides trauma-informed and high-quality services to families affected by family violence

Senior Judicial Registrar Anne-Marie Rice
Judicial Registrar Kimberly Buttriss
Anna Baltins
Solicitor In Charge, Domestic Violence Unit, Legal Aid NSW

Acting for the Victim vs Acting for the Perpetrator

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
4:00 am
5:30 am
Ghania Dib
Steve Frost
Joplin Higgins OAM
click here

Delve into the challenges lawyers face when representing victims and perpetrators of family violence, including cross-cultural considerations. Key takeaways include:

· The legal and ethical considerations involved when representing victims and perpetrators of family violence

· Advising clients on "unacceptable risk of harm" in family law

· Rehabilitating domestic violence perpetrators, including the differences between anger management and behavioural change programs

· Legal obligations to report family violence and abuse

· Cultural competency and understanding cultural programming

· Acting for culturally and linguistically diverse (“CALD”) families where family violence is present

· Running a trauma-informed and safe practice

Ghania Dib
Principal Lawyer, GDA Lawyers
Steve Frost
Founding Director, Horizons Family Law Centre
Joplin Higgins OAM
Managing Director, Joplin Lawyers

Family Violence Financial Claims and the Intersection of Family Law and Personal Injury Law

Wednesday, June 21, 2023
4:00 am
5:30 am
Michelle May AM KC
Kavita Balendra
Kasturi Wren
click here

Explore the intersection between family law and personal injury law in cases of family violence, including how to navigate the different legal systems and procedures. Key takeways include:

· Examine the extent to which the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (“FCFCOA”) are willing to consider domestic violence in property settlements under the Family Law Act.

· Understand the family law cases of Kennon & Kennon [1997] FamCA 27 and relevant cases following Kennon.

· The intersection of family law and personal injury law in family violence matters.

· Running an intentional torts personal injury claim, including limitation periods, and the elements necessary to establish the tort.

· Overview of the Victims Support Scheme.

Michelle May AM KC
Barrister, Mediator and Former Judge, Lucinda Chambers
Kavita Balendra
Barrister, 4 Wentworth Chambers
Kasturi Wren
Principal, Law Advisory

Ethics and Resilience in Family Violence Cases

Wednesday, June 28, 2023
4:00 am
5:30 am
Michelle May AM KC
Dr Adrian Allen
click here

Explore the ethical considerations when dealing with family violence cases and strategies for building resilience and managing vicarious trauma. Key takeaways include:

· Better understand the duty of confidentiality and exceptions to confidentiality in cases involving family violence and abuse

· Recognise conflict of interest issues arising in family violence matters

· Understand disclosure requirements, including when and how Family Violence Orders need to be filed

· Explore the obligations and best practice process in responding to subpoena to provide documents relating to family violence issues and understand the proposed amendments for “protected confidences” under the Family Law Amendment Bill

· Learn about the nature of vicarious traumatic stress, including how to recognise the signs and symptoms of it.

· Gain practical strategies to help maintain and promote positive mental wellbeing when managing family violence cases.

Michelle May AM KC
Barrister, Mediator and Former Judge, Lucinda Chambers
Dr Adrian Allen
Principal Clinical Psychologist, Healthy Mind Clinic


Senior Judicial Registrar Anne-Marie Rice

Senior Judicial Registrar Brett McGrath

Judicial Registrar Kimberly Buttriss

David Mandel
Executive Director, Safe & Together Institute

Michelle May AM KC
Former Judge, Family Court of Australia

Anna Baltins
Solicitor in Charge, Domestic Violence Unit, Legal Aid NSW

Dr Adrian Allen
Principal Clinical Psychologist, Healthy Mind Clinic

Kavita Balendra
Barrister, 4 Wentworth Chambers

Joplin Higgins OAM
Managing Director, Joplin Lawyers

Steve Frost
Founding Director, Horizons Family Law Centre

Katherine Manby
Principal Family Lawyer, VM Family Law

Ghania Dib
Principal Lawyer, GDA Lawyers

Kasturi Wren
Principal, Law Advisor

Fiona Kirkman
Global Family Law Evangelist, Smokeball